How do you build a team that everyone wants to be on?

Building a team takes time and can't be done overnight
We have been asked many times to awaken the team spirit or build a successful team. But what does that actually mean?
We often stick to basic processes that we go through with a team. Today you can get a glimpse into these processes too. You may have come across terms like forming , storming , norming and performing . We’ll introduce you to situations that are good examples of team building together with Headformers sports psychologists.
The first phase of team building is forming
Most of the time, players are very excited and curious about what lies ahead. They have a lot of energy and want to show their best to make it to the team. They ask a lot of questions, try to impress the coach and help the team success with their performance. The key is to set a vision, direction and common goal together with the team. Everyone will know what the team wants to accomplish and what the road ahead holds.
The second phase is called storming
Many players feel frustrated that the processes or goal achievement in the team are not working and the reality is different than they expected. They need to use this frustration to redefine their goals and break them down into smaller and more achievable areas. At this point, the team divides roles and players set responsibilities to achieve the goals.
Moving on to norming
Players start to feel satisfied and like a part of the team. They feel comfortable among their teammates, they start to be honest with each other and see diversity as a benefit for the strength of the whole team. Most of the time there is more fun in the team and players start to make up nicknames for each other. During this period, the productivity of both individuals and the team as a whole increases and team processes start to be encouraged.
The last phase of team building is performing
Players are very happy with the team’s progress. They share personal topics within the team, they know the weaknesses and strengths of their teammates. They feel strongly connected to the team and their common goal. The team is confident, solving problems on the go, getting closer to achieving their set goals. At this stage, they need to continue to deepen the team’s skills and abilities and keep moving them forward.
How to harness
the energy
of a new member
If the team regularly changes players or conditions, it is always necessary for the team to “teach” the new member the team rules. The players should bring him or her into the fold and harness the new individual’s energy into the desired teamwork. Then it is realistic for the team to remain in the performing stage and not revert back to the previous stages.
Players should leave with closure and take-aways for the future
Sometimes it happens that a team finds itself at the end of its goal or there are major changes to the team. This can create sadness that something so powerful is coming to an end, or on the contrary, players can be full of energy from successfully achieving a goal. Regardless of the situation, it is necessary for people to leave the team with “closure.” All work, such as season-long work, should be evaluated. Players should leave with what it gave them and what they take away for the future. The Headformers team recommends to organize a celebration of success or end of cooperation and use this occasion to move forward.