We offer mental preparation service programs for athletes. Our programs will set you up with a winning mindset and help you achieve your best athletic performance. Our service programs are tailored to meet the needs of individuals and entire teams.

for everybody
We offer mental preparation service programs for athletes. Our programs will set you up with a winning mindset and help you achieve your best athletic performance. Our service programs are tailored to meet the needs of individuals and entire teams.
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BasicMind Tweak
- need to handle an important part of the season
- worked on mental preparation before and want to take the first step towards change
- are not sure what the problem is but you know that something is wrong
- príprava na konkrétne podujatie/zápas/výkon
- efektívne mentálne stratégie na lepšie zvládanie situácií
- identifikácia príčin problému
1x diagnostics
4x development consultation
- need to set your mind to a bigger change
- want to kick-start change processes in your mindset or to solve a difficult problem
- are going through a comeback after an injury, a transfer, personal issues, fluctuating performance, intense pressure, loss of joy or motivation
- predvýkonová mentálna príprava,
- stabilnejšie výkony
- skvalitnenie reakcie na nepriaznivé situácie vo výkone
- lepšia výkonnosť pod tlakom
1x diagnostics
7x development consultation
- want to change your mindset and become a “pro” in your head
- want to become stable, confident, resilient athlete and person
- want mental training to become a standard part of your development
- stabilné zvýšenie sebavedomia
- vyššia psychická odolnosť
- kvalitnejšia motivácia a angažovanosť
- lepšie zvládnutie tlaku
- stabilné výkony
- nadobudnutie rovnováhy medzi osobným životom a športom
- možná spolupráca aj s trénerom športovca
2x diagnostics
14x development consultation
- need support in preparing for an event
- need help with an urgent problem
- want to improve basic leadership skills to work with the mindset of the athletes and the team
- nastavenie mentality športovcov a tímu pred a počas dôležitej časti sezóny/podujatia
- základné líderské stratégie pri práci so športovcami a tímom
- podpora pri riešení konkrétnej situácie
1x diagnostics
4x development consultation
- want to steadily improve a specific skill when working with athletes or a team
- are not sure how to change the mindset of your athletes (e.g. fluctuating performance)
- need help with setting up processes for a change of environment (change of squad, new team, start of the season)
- nastavenie a implementácia spoločnej vízie a základných hodnôt
- lepšia predvýkonová psychická príprava športovcov a tímu
- efektívnejšia komunikácia so športovcami a tímom
- naštartovanie zmien v tímovej dynamike
- zvýšené porozumenie o vplyve a vývoji psychiky v športe
1x diagnostics
7x development consultation
- become a stable and resilient leader
- improve your work-life balance
- be able to work comprehensively with the mentality of your athletes or the whole team
- make mental training a standard part of your development
- komplexný rozvoj líderských a komunikačných schopností
- schopnosť pracovať s tímovou dynamikou
- skvalitnenie schopnosti zvládať tlak a emócie
- rovnováha v osobnom a pracovnom živote
- reakcie na úspech či neúspech tímu a športovcov
2x diagnostics
14x development consultation
- want to achieve more than your official evaluations
- need a short-term team setup to performance and goal achievement
- need to set the team’s mentality before and during an important part of the season/event
- increased mental readiness of the team for and during a specific event/match
- setting a common short-term goal and tasks
- support for the implementation team in communication and preparation of the team for a specific event
- optimising motivation before a specific event
As needed
from a single workshop
to a 2-month support
- want to increase team cohesion and player commitment to a common goal
- want to improve the mentality of the team and individual players for better performance
- can’t translate the quality of individual team members into team play
- establishing a clear team identity and common goal
- linking individual ambitions, player motivation and the team goal
- optimising the team’s self-esteem
- improving the team’s response to negative developments in the game
- setting a stable winning mentality
- improving the players’ ability to communicate openly
- increasing team energy and commitment
As needed
from a 3-month support
to a whole-season preparation
- want to integrate mental training into selected groups within the club/association
- want to improve cooperation between segments in the club
- want to have more effective scouting
- individual development of mental skills of selected athletes
- preparation of the team and athletes for a specific event (see Team Impact)
- lectures and workshops for athletes, teams, coaches and management
- analysis of mental skills of individuals and teams (groups)
- support for scouting through mental diagnostics of athletes/coaches
- support for management
The content and the length
are agreed based on the
discussion with the client
- want to set up a unified concept of mental preparation from the youth to the A team
- want to achieve long-term and stable improvement of athletes’ mentality even without our direct presence in the future
- comprehensive mental preparation which includes cooperation with management, development of coaches, teams and individuals
- analysis of the environment through diagnostic software
- setting the vision, values and culture for growth
- linking different segments to fulfil the vision
- managed development of key staff
- adjustment of mental development of athletes according to age specifics
- practical development of coaches (individual/group)
- club-player-parent cooperation
- support for scouting through mental diagnostics of athletes/coaches
The content and the
length are agreed based
on the discussion with the client